Type that the effect returns. Note: in a lot of cases, when used with useAsyncEffect, this can be void
Cleanup function used on destruction of component (on unmount).
Type that the original effect returns (may be undefined, in the case that T is void
Dependency list for effects.
Possible states of the Promise effect used in usePromiseEffect.
Return type of the effect response.
Base Asynchronous Effect Hook.
Result of your effect.
An effect function that returns Promise<T>
. Accepts argument of mounted
Asynchronous Effect Hook with support for a cleanup callback.
Result of your effect.
An effect function that returns Promise<T>
. Accepts argument of mounted
A Promise effect that builds on useAsyncEffect with state management built in.
Result of [[effect]]
The Asynchronous effect that returns Promise<T>
States of the promise at any given time.
Generated using TypeDoc
An asynchronous effect that may return something.